Pier Seven Aviation

Pilot school Sharjah | Pier Seven Aviation


Type or variant of aircraft Boeing 737-800W
Serial NumberEU-A0136
FSTD qualification levelAEROPLANE FFS LEVEL D
Primary reference documentCS-FSTD(A) initial issue
Visual systemaXion Systems, aXion, LCoS projectors, FOV 200degx40deg
Motion systemMoog FCS, 660-8000, 60 inch, electric-pneumatic, 6 DOF
Engine fitCFM56-7B26
Instrument fit point 3.0According to aircraft type Boeing block
ACAS fitTCAS II (ver. 7.1)
WindshearProfiles available
Additional capabilitiesNone
Restrictions or limitationsTrim wheel forces corresponding to that of the replicated aeroplane is not demonstrated (Appendix 1 to CS FSTD(A).300-1.i1).

Note that the airworthiness directive EASA AD 2021-0039 declares the FSTD unsuitable to conduct training on manual stabilizer trim wheel when forces are not adequate to meet the training objectives.


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